Using the library#

There are primarily two ways you can use prompttools in your LLM workflow:

  1. Run experiments in notebooks.

  2. Write unit tests and integrate them into your CI/CD workflow via Github Actions.


There are a few different ways to run an experiment in a notebook.

The simplest way is to define an experimentation harness and an evaluation function:

from prompttools.harness import PromptTemplateExperimentationHarness

def eval_fn(prompt: str, results: Dict, metadata: Dict) -> float:
    # Your logic here, or use a built-in one such as `prompttools.utils.similarity`.

prompt_templates = [
    "Answer the following question: {{input}}",
    "Respond the following query: {{input}}"

user_inputs = [
    {"input": "Who was the first president?"},
    {"input": "Who was the first president of India?"}

harness = PromptTemplateExperimentationHarness("text-davinci-003",
harness.evaluate("metric_name", eval_fn)
harness.visualize()  # The results will be displayed as a table in your notebook
The visualized table in your notebook.

If you are interested to compare different models, the ModelComparison example may be of interest.

For an example of built-in evaluation function, please see this example of semantic similarity comparison for details.

You can also manually enter feedback to evaluate prompts, see HumanFeedback.ipynb.

You can annotate feedback directly within the notebook.

Note: Above we used an ExperimentationHarness. Under the hood, that harness uses an Experiment to construct and make API calls to LLMs. The harness is responsible for managing higher level abstractions, like prompt templates or system prompts. To see how experiments work at a low level, see this example.

Unit Tests#

Unit tests in prompttools are called prompttests. They use the @prompttest annotation to transform a completion function into an efficient unit test. The prompttest framework executes and evaluates experiments so you can test prompts over time. For example:

import prompttools.prompttest as prompttest

def json_completion_fn(prompt: str):
    response = None
    if os.getenv("DEBUG", default=False):
        response = mock_openai_completion_fn(**{"prompt": prompt})
        response = openai.completions.create(prompt)
    return response.choices[0].text

The evaluation functions should accept one of the following as it’s parameters:

  • input_pair: Tuple[str, Dict[str, str]], results: Dict, metadata: Dict

  • prompt: str, results: Dict, metadata: Dict

  • messages: List[Dict[str,str], results: Dict, metadata: Dict

You can see an example test here and an example of that test being used as a Github Action here.